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Growth Technology Foliar spray is the next step in plant nutrition!

It fast tracks foliar growth by feeding the leaves for a more immediate nutrient uptake. Foliar includes Silicon "nature's bodyguard" to strengthen and protect, plus organic-based biostimulants for next level growth.

Combine this with either of the Focus fertilisers (foliage focus & Complete Focus) and you'll have a plant growth power combo!


Ideal for use with any plant under stress or in recovery to correct deficiencies caused by root damage from over- or under-watering, high or low pH, and extremes such as temperature. It can also be used to fast-track folage growth.



Where do I start?!

  • It increases nutrient absorption to help correct deficiencies.
  • Aids recovery from common biotic and abiotic plant stresses, such as root rot and pest attack. Amazing, we love that!
  • Increases speed and size of leaf growth.
  • Keeps up with increased nutrient demands during high growth periods. (Think Spring and Summer time)
  • Increases resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Fuels production of more and healthier buds and flowers. (Great for the likes of Hoya, african violets, Spathipyllum etc)
  • Minimises losses due to poor root performance or root damage.
  • Boosts overall growth and plant vigour.



Foliar has a full mineral profile of over 70 essential and beneficial minerals, vitamins and enzymes.

  • Silicon, Nature’s Bodyguard. Abundant outdoors, deficient indoors.
  • 20 different Amino Acids , organic plant proteins involved in multiple plant growth processes.
  • 3 types of Kelp, naturally rich in plant growth hormones auxins, cytokynins and gibberillins.
  • Fulvic Acids, organic electrolytes.
  • Wetting agent, creating a finer mist, better leaf coverage and improved absorption for foliar (leaf) feeding.



Growth Technology Foliar Spray

  • - 500ml

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