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Growth Technology Silica is considered ‘Nature’s Bodyguard’. It is a natural powerhouse nutrient (no joke!), abundant outdoors but missing indoors, which is why supplementing indoor plants with Silica is so beneficial.


Adding Silica to your feeding routine gives indoor plants the protection that nature would normally provide, making plants stronger, both physically and by supporting stronger defences against pests, diseases and environmental stresses.



Silica is a protectant for any plant not already getting silica naturally (aka indoor plants). Silica strengthens sensitive plants and plants prone to weak stems, browning (think variegation) and wilting. Making it an ideal nutrient for variegated plants, where the variegated part of the plants are considered "sensitive or weak" as they do not contribute to the plants energy production due to the abcence of chloroyphyll.

Silica also helps to defend plants prone to the attack of pests, fungus and other diseases. Think spidermites to Alocasia! It stregthens the plants cell walls & tissues, making it harder for chewing and sucking insects to penetrate the plants tissue, while also making it less palatable and harder to digest! Plants have been shown to continue to send silica to the pest damaged areas after the threat is gone, to assist with faster recovery.

(It really is a winning nutrient)


VOLUME: 1 litre

Growth Technology Silica

PriceFrom $13.99
  • A concentrated blend of silicic acid and potassium hydroxide (called potassium silicate) which is considered to be the superior form of silica for plants.

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