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Our Wildvine amendment bundle is perfect for creating the ultimate houseplant mix!

Simply mix a 15lt bag of good quaility potting mix in with these amendments and you'll have yourself a fantastic houseplant mix suitable for all houseplants.

You can also mix these substrates together for a "soil-free" potting mix alternative with the added benefit of worm castings as a slow release, natural plant food.


The amendment bundle will create a mix that will retain just the right amount of moisture your plants need to thrive requiring you to water less, won't compact down over time, well draining and best of all it will slowly feed your plants as they grow!


Amendment bundle contains:

1kg Worm castings

2lt Fernfiber

2lt Perlite

2lt Orchid bark (fine grade2)

2lt Cocochip

1lt Biochar (2-5mm)

Wildvine Potting-mix Amendment Bundle

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